Aims and Values

Luston Primary School and Shobdon Primary School allows everyone to participate by:

  • Providing a welcoming, safe, happy school where everyone is respected and listened to; a school where we take pride in ourselves and our achievements, enabling children to become confident and successful learners.
  • Striving to be the hub of our local community and an integral part of our society; building and joining communities locally and beyond.
  • Being a partner in the education of our pupils and being committed to working in partnership with our parents/carers and wider community.

Luston Primary School and Shobdon Primary School encourages everyone to excel by:

  • Striving for the highest possible standards of achievement and behaviour in a stimulating environment.
  • Valuing independence, developing a deeper level of learning and providing a curriculum which enables our pupils to become active citizens of the future.
  • Striving to be a centre for truly outstanding teachers, where quality leadership is extended to professionals in other schools and where the staff are committed to their own learning journey and the sharing of quality practice.

Luston Primary School and Shobdon Primary School enables everyone to be proud of their achievements by:

  • Encouraging everyone to do their very best. 
  • Developing a love of learning inspired by quality teaching.
  • Building and developing upon individual strengths and talent