Science at Luston and Shobdon

 Science Leads: Kim Kilby & Sally Clarke

Science excites pupils’ curiosity about the world around them as well as giving them the opportunities to develop a deeper understanding and increase their knowledge. At Luston and Shobdon, we promote the development of enquiry, exploration and observation within a meaningful context. Working independently and in groups the children are encouraged to ask questions and investigate why things happen. Children develop an understanding of the way science contributes to today’s world and how it can impact on their future and of science in practical contexts related future career choices.

What does Science look like across the Federation?

Intent, Implementation & Impact

Science National Curriculum Science Vocabulary

Cultural Capital

Science Club

Fun science experiments to enjoy at home

Siemens has a series of DIY videos designed to encourage families to conduct at-home science experiments using common items found in kitchen cupboards
Why not try these experiments for Science Week 2022?

Recommended Reads

Books for EYFS/Key Stage One - age 4-7
Books for Key Stage Two - age 7-11

 Here We Are

by Oliver Jeffers


Our world can be a bewildering place, especially if you’ve only just got here. Your head will be filled with questions, so let’s explore what makes our planet and how we live on it. From land and sky, to people and time, these notes can be your guide and start you on your journey. And you’ll figure lots of things out for yourself. Just remember to leave notes for everyone else… Some things about our planet are pretty complicated, but things can be simple, too: you’ve just got to be kind.

Famous Local Scientists

Arthur Peppercorn was born in Leominster in 1889 and educated at Hereford Cathedral School. In 1905 he started his career as an apprentice with the Great Northern Railway (GNR) at Doncaster. He was an English railway engineer, and was the last Chief Mechanical Engineer of the London and North Eastern Railway.

To learn more about him follow this link:  Arthur Peppercorn

Fun Family Days Out

  • The Waterworks, Hereford
  • Techiquest, Cardiff
  • Enginuity, Ironbridge

Science Knowledge Organisers 

Science Knowledge Organisers       

Science Week 2022

Science Week 2022

Women in Science

Research cards: female physicists

These research cards introduce the achievements of nine female physicists - past and present

women in physics research cards 1.pdf